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From Texas to the Republic of Turkey: 6 Tips to Prepare for your Trip

Prepare Your Home

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Before leaving your home, go through the house to make sure you have:
  • Adjusted the thermostat (or maybe even turn it off)
  • Lower the temperature on your water heater
  • Turn off any fans
  • Unplug unnecessary appliances, such TVs and computersc
  • Turn off your lights (if you want to leave one or two on for security, use a timer so that they aren’t on all day and night)
It already costs enough money to get to Turkey from Texas. Making a few adjustments before you leave will at least save you a few bucks on electricity.

Pack Important Documents

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  • U.S. passport
  • Driver’s license
  • Identification card
You might also need additional documents depending on how long you plan to stay in Turkey and the purpose of your visit.
Remember that you should carry these items with you. Do not pack them! Having them on hand will make it easier to get through customs. Plus, you could find yourself in a difficult situation if the airline loses your luggage.

Bring Entertainment for the Flight

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A flight from Texas to Ankara, Turkey can take up to 24 hours. That’s a long time to sit on an airplane. Make sure you bring a variety of entertainment options so you won’t go stir crazy. You never know when you’ll get a plane that offers limited in-flight entertainment.
Some good things to pack include:
  • Magazines
  • Paperback books
  • A portable DVD player
  • A tablet PC
  • Snacks
  • An MP3 player
  • Good headphones (preferably with a noise-canceling feature)
If you’re taking the kids, they’ll need their own entertainment. You don’t want to deal with a cranky 8-year-old during a 24-hour flight.c

Learn Some Useful Turkish Phrases

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A few phrases to learn include:
  • “Adim…” – “My name is…”
  • “Merhaba” – “hello”
  • “Nasilsiniz?” – “How are you?”
A good phrase book will make your trip more enjoyable. Without one, you might find yourself frantically searching for a restroom without anyone’s help. That’s not a great way to spend the afternoon.

Exchange Some Dollars for Turkish Lira

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Exchange a small amount of money before you leave. Airport ccurrency exchangers have ridiculously high rates that you should avoid. By exchanging some money before leaving the country, you’ll have some on hand the moment that you land. That’ll help you get a ride to your hotel, buy snacks, or pay for other small expenses.
Once in Turkey, you can get a good exchange rate at most banks. That means you don’t need to exchange all of your travelling cash before leaving Texas. Still, having a couple hundred dollars worth of Turkish Lira could make your first day in Turkey easier.

Get the Proper Vaccines

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Some people might also need vaccinations for:c
  • Malaria
  • Polio
  • Hepatitis B
  • Rabies
These vaccinations will help you stay healthy during and after your trip. You don’t want to skip these.
What other tips can you think of to help people prepare for a trip from Texas to the Republic of Turkey? Have you ever made the trip? What advice can you offer?

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